Service outage

There is currently an issue with our Join Us mailing form. Please send an email to our membership secretary ( stating your name, swimmers name, swimmers age and a breif description of their swimming ability.

We apologise for the inconvenience and are working to sort this issue as quickly as we can.

Join Us

Please complete and submit the form below. The club membership secretary will be in touch with you within 10 working days.

About you

We need some details about you so we can get in touch.

About your swimmer

Tell us as much as you can about your swimmer. This helps us determine what type of trial to give them and what squad they might be best placed in.

By submitting this form you agree to let Falkirk Otter ASC contact you by email in relation to a trial and becoming a member. Your email address will not be used for any other purpose unless you choose to become a member.